Classic Adventure Game TommyBearSoftware JUPITER %CE1%\Classic Adventure Game %CE2% %CE11% Classic Adventure Game.lnk ClassicAdventureGame.exe young lady.gif alcove saw.gif alleywithtrashcan.gif alleywithtrashcancloseup.gif alleywithtrashcaninside.gif amulet.gif bathroom mirror close up.gif bathroom.gif beach.gif bedroom left lit letter.gif bedroom left lit.gif bedroom left not lit.gif bedroom.gif bedroom1.gif bedroom100.gif bedroomnopillow.gif boat from lighthouse.gif boat no boat.gif bonfire.gif bonfirecloseup.gif brideundercloseup no wings.gif brideundercloseup waterwings.gif brideundercloseup.gif bridge.gif bush thick cant pass.gif bushwith hole.gif cave in forest with boulders blocking it.gif caveclose10.gif caveclose12.gif caveopen.gif christmas tree cut gone.gif christmas tree cut.gif christmas tree.gif close up of painting.gif computer1 no candle.gif computer1.gif computer1nomouse.gif computerondesktop.gif corn field.gif corn2.gif corn3.gif corn4.gif cornfield clothespin gone.gif cornfield clothespin.gif cornfield entrance open.gif cornfield entrance.gif cornfield scythe no scythe.gif cornfield scythe.gif counterwithteapotandapple.gif deaddog.gif dock.gif dog on a leash.gif drawer inside.gif dresser close up.gif drowned with bubbles.gif eastside move mirror no rope.gif eastside move mirror not yet.gif eastside move mirror rope.gif eastside move mirror.gif eastside of bedroom.gif forest.gif four way road with tree.gif front of house with welcome mat.gif gate open.gif gate.gif grave close up.gif grave dug up.gif green emerald room.gif green room lit.gif hallway 2 doors open.gif hallway 2 doors.gif hallway 3 doors.gif hallway 3 way.gif hallway 4 way open.gif hallway 4 way.gif haystacks.gif haystacksinbetween.gif hole close up.gif ice patch close up key.gif ice patch close up.gif ice patch.gif insde cave with snakes.gif insde lighthouse missing power.gif insde treehouse.gif inside lighthouse lit.gif inside treehouse close up.gif insidetreehouse no staff.gif insidetreehouse.gif insidetreehouse1nostool.gif insidetreehouse1stool.gif island.gif janitor no turpentine.gif janitors room turpentine.gif janitors room.gif junk yard with crowbar.gif junkyard with crowbar1.gif junkyard without crowbar1.gif kitchen carrot only.gif kitchen nothing.gif kitchen teapot carrot.gif kitchen teapot only.gif kitchencountertop1.gif kitchencountertop1noapple.gif kitchencountertop1noteapot.gif kitchencountertop1nothing.gif library door open.gif library.gif lighthouse entrance open.gif lighthouse entrance.gif lighthouse.gif long hallway.gif magician outside.gif manhole.gif manholecloser.gif manholeopen.gif mansion front closeup.gif mansion front.gif mansiondooropen.gif middle of ocean.gif nest with eggs.gif newbedroomleft.gif newbedroomleft1.gif newbedroomleftLIT.gif nopot.gif old man.gif open safe no bag.gif open safe.gif painting1.gif painting2.gif path to tree house.gif pizzaboxes.gif power lines and graveyard.gif projectiontvwithremote.gif pull torch room open.gif punchingbag.gif rabbithole.gif railroad crossing.gif rat hole.gif rat no rat.gif red ruby room lit.gif red ruby room.gif room with closet and sculpture.gif room with dresser for scissors.gif room with hole in the wall.gif room with safe.gif room with torch.gif roomwithcomputer.gif safe close up.gif scarcrowfrombehind.gif scarecrow.gif scarecrowcloseup.gif sculpture close up fixed.gif sculpture close up.gif se broken wall.gif se corner of wall.gif se side wall.gif sewage pipe.gif sewage tube with open top.gif side of wall.gif sidewindoweast.gif sidewindowwest.gif snakesgone no nine.gif snakesgone.gif spike wall different side.gif spike wall with heavy grass.gif swimming pool close up.gif swimming pool with diving board.gif telescope close up.gif telescope room.gif telescopeclose.gif three way path in forest.gif threehousesotherside.gif threewayhousegreenhouse.gif threewayhousestwohouseswitch.gif threewayhousetanhouse.gif threewayredhousecloseup.gif title page.gif title.gif tollbooth.gif tollboothopen.gif toolshed both.gif toolshed magnet only.gif toolshed nothing.gif toolshed shovel only.gif toolshed with shovel and magnet.gif toolshed1.gif toolshed1empty.gif toolshed1noshovel.gif toolshed1shovelonly.gif trashcanempty.gif treehouse1closeup.gif treehouse1closeupnostool.gif treehousefaraway.gif treehousefront.gif treehousefrontopen.gif treehouselookingup.gif treehouseotherside.gif tunnel pulled.gif tunnel.gif tv broken no bulb.gif tv broken.gif tv close up.gif tv1.gif tv1noremote.gif under bridge no frog.gif under bridge.gif weightroom close up dumbell.gif weightroom close up no dumbell.gif weightroom.gif weightroom1.gif weightroom1nodumbell.gif weightroomglasscloseup.gif welcomematcloseup.gif well close up.gif well outside.gif wizardstore.gif young lady tree.gif alcove no saw.gif adoce30.dll Adocedb30.dll adoceoledb30.dll msdaeren.dll msdaosp.dll msdaer.dll msdadc.dll Adosync.dll S309PictureBox.ocx